E-book Mobile Edge Computing
MEC provides a distributed computing environment by placing compute and storageresources closer to the consumer or enterprise end user. The termMECwas first intro-duced in 2013, when Nokia Siemens Networks and IBM developed a platform calledApplication Service Platform for Networks to allow mobile operators to deploy, run,and integrate applications at the edge of the network [2]. In 2014, the MEC technicalwhite paper was developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Insti-tute (ETSI) [3], and a new Industry Specification Group was established in ETSIto produce specifications. The Industry Specification Group has delivered severalspecifications on service scenarios, requirements, architecture, and APIs that willallow for the efficient and seamless integration of applications from vendors, ser-vice providers, and third parties across multi-vendor MEC platforms. In 2016, ETSIdropped the wordmobilefrom MEC, renaming the technology multi-access edgecomputing (with the same acronym,MEC), to extend its scope to heterogeneousaccess technologies (e.g., LTE, 5G, Wi-Fi, and fixed access technologies).MEC is a new paradigm that provides an IT service environment and cloud-computing capabilities at the edge of the network, within the radio access network,and in close proximity to mobile subscribers. The main purpose of MEC is to educe backhaul network congestion, support low-latency applications, and offeran improved user experience. The general framework of MEC is shown in Fig.1.2.Different types of big data applications, IoT devices, and social and Internet servicesare connected to distributed mobile edge networks. The mobile edge networks areconnected to the private cloud network via a demilitarized zone for security. The pri-vate cloud network is equipped with sufficient databases and applications to providecentralized processing, storage, and computing service. Since cloud services andapplications are far from mobile users, MEC deploys the distributed edge servicesand applications at wireless network infrastructures (i.e., base stations, Wi-Fi accesspoints, or femto access points) to form distributed mobile edge networks. Users caneasily access nearby the wireless network infrastructure to enjoy real-time and high-quality service applications. Additionally, MEC not only benefits end users, but alsoimproves resource utility and network efficiency with network optimization, such ascomputation and caching resource allocation.
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