E-book Enhanced Living Environments : Algorithms, Architectures, Platforms, and Systems
Enhanced and Assisted living environments (ELE/ALE) have been in focus ofthe researches for more than decade [8]. Adaptation of novel technologies inhealthcare has taken a slow but steady pace, from the first wearable sensors forchronic disease conditions and activity detection with offline processing towardsimplantable or non-invasive sensors supported by advanced data analytics forpervasive and preventive monitoring. The ELE/ALE progress is driven by therapid advances in key technologies in several complementary scientific areas overthe last decade: sensor design and material science; wireless communications anddata processing; as well as machine learning, cloud, edge, and fog technologies[18,19,21].The integration of novel sensors into consumer electronics increases gather-ing of personal health data. The place and importance of different sensors forhealthcare, well-being, and fitness among consumer devices can be tracked bytheir increasing share on Consumer Electronics Shows promoting self-care andself-regulation. This creates enormous possibility in both healthcare and healthylifestyle. The availability of data in vast amounts can lead to: cost-effective,personalized, and real-time monitoring, detection and recommendations, bothfor the end users and healthcare providers [21]. These services (monitoring,detection, recommendation) are significant research topic in ALE/ELE domain.Thus, a large percent of typical ALE/ELE systems aim to monitor daily activi-ties, detect specific events (e.g. falls, or false alarms), automate assistance, anddecrease caregiver burden [22]. Continuous vital signs monitoring is an importantapplication area and various sensors have been developed for this purpose. Sen-sor devices are supported by various algorithms and computational techniques,context modeling, location identification, and anomaly detection [19].Human activity recognition stands for recognizing human activity patternsfrom various types of low-level sensor data usually presented as time series data.The activity itself can be represented and recognized at different resolutions, suchas a single movement, action, activity, group activity, and crowd activity. Recog-nizing such activities can be useful in many applications, for example: detectingphysical activity level [25], promoting health and fitness [28], and monitoringhazardous events such as falling [2,20].The current trends in ALE/ELE systems research can be perceived from dif-ferent perspectives [5]. In this work, we are investigating research topics in theALE/ELE systems and services domain applied to healthcare and well-being.We identified potentially relevant articles with the following keywords: identifi-cation and sensing technologies, activity recognition, risks and accidents detec-tion, tele-monitoring, diet and exercise monitoring, drugs monitoring, vital signssupervision, identification of daily activities, and user concerns like privacy andsecurity.Systematic reviews, use formal explicit methods, of what exactly was thequestion to be answered, how evidence was searched for and assessed, and how itwas synthesized in order to reach the conclusion. The “Preferred reporting itemsfor systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement” [13,14]is one of the most widely used methodologies for achieving this. Recently, new formsof reviews have emerged in response to urgent needs for information, for whichthe existing systematic review model does not fit well [15]. The rapid review isused when time is of the essence. The scoping review is applied when what isneeded is not detailed answers to specific questions but rather an overview of abroad field [17]. The evidence map is similar to scoping reviews but is focused onspecific visual presentation of the evidence across a broad field. Finally, the realistreview is used where the question of interest includes how and why complex socialinterventions work in certain situations, rather than assume they either do or donot work at all.
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