E-book The Seine River Basin
Water resources are indispensable for social development. Human needs shapedrivers and river basins, leading to a drastic modification of the global water cycle.Changes due to human activities are so large nowadays that they override naturalprocesses, leading to the end of a geological era and the beginning of a new onecalled“the Anthropocene”first conceptualized by Crutzen [1, 2]. Using this conceptfirst proposed by the Earth science community, and increasingly considered by thehuman sciences [3, 4], makes it possible to highlight multiple and profound changesin the watersheds: (1) the physical environment is largely modified compared withits initial state; (2) terrestrial, aquatic, and estuarine environments are increasinglymanaged by societies, according to their interests and their representation of nature:flows, river morphology, summer temperature, water quality, and biodiversity arenow largely controlled by dedicated institutions according to specific criteria; and(3) some of the factors influencing such management are located within the catchment area, but the external components have been increasing steadily for50 years (national and European regulations, national and European markets foragricultural products, decline or recovery of industry and mining, as well as theevolution of international trade, etc.).River system refers primarily to the hydrosphere, i.e. the water circulation over awell-delineated area, the basin watershed. It includes the atmospheric inputs andwaterflow components of the drainage network and is separated into (1) the surficialhydrographic network, from headwater streams to the estuary, including stagnantsystems such as ponds, wetlands, lakes, reservoirs, and canals, (2) shallow and deepaquifers and their related unsaturated zone. It also includes the terrestrial biosphereand the pedosphere, which regulate water circulation and provide the river-borne andgroundwater materials, and the aquatic biosphere, from micro-organisms tofishpopulations. Finally, the system also includes all the controlling factors that regulatethesefluxes of water and materials and their composition: internal factors, eithernatural (e.g. hydrological regime, river morphology) or anthropogenic (e.g. waterabstraction, pollution, hydrological control, and artificialization of river course), andexternal factors (e.g. climate change, trans-basin trade, species introduction, etc.). Itcan therefore be considered as a socio-ecosystem in the sense of Haberl [5].Among the six hydrographic basins of metropolitan France, the Seine-Normandybasin is the most human-impacted (see Sect.2 of this chapter). It receives the highestanthropic pressure, due to its industry and agriculture linked to the development ofthe urban area of Paris, which has been and still is the economic and social heart ofFrance. The very poor chemical and ecological status of water in the 1980s led asmall group of researchers to propose a PIREN-Seine, i.e. an interdisciplinaryenvironmental research programme launched by the French National Centre forScientific Research (CNRS), as had already been put in place for the Rhône River,the Garonne River, and the Alsace plain in 1979 [6]. It was created in 1989 in acontext of insufficient wastewater treatment in the Paris conurbation and newinvestment projects in sanitation facilities [7]. Itsfirst achievement consisted indeveloping a model, Riverstrahler [8], to dynamically represent the biogeochemicalfluxes of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and then silica, for each body of water in thebasin, from headwaters to the Seine outlet, according to constraints such as geomor-phology, hydrography, agricultural diffuse sources, and urban discharges. Anothermodelling tool, ProSe, was also developed with a transient hydrology on the lowerSeine more dedicated to the Paris conurbation domestic load [9–12]. These toolshave made it possible to bring together research teams on a common object of study,the entire Seine watershed; the programme has also been a forum for dialoguebetween the basin’s institutional partners and researchers, enabling the latter tomake management proposals to establish investment priorities based on the resultsof these models [13].
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