E-book Remote Sensing of Plant Biodiversity
Improved detection and monitoring of biodiversity is critical at a time when Earth’s biodiversity loss due to human activities is accelerating at an unprecedented rate. We face the largest loss of biodiversity in human history, a loss which has been called the “sixth mass extinction” (Leakey 1996; Kolbert 2014), given that its mag-nitude is in proportion to past extinction episodes in Earth history detectable from the fossil record. International efforts to conserve biodiversity (United Nations 2011) and to develop an assessment process to document changes in the status and trends of biodiversity globally through the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (Díaz et al. 2015) have raised awareness about the critical need for continuous monitoring of biodiversity at mul-tiple spatial scales across the globe. Biodiversity itself—the variation in life found among ecosystems and organisms at any level of biological organization—cannot practically be observed everywhere. However, if habitats, functional traits, trait diversity, and the spatial turnover of plant functions can be remotely sensed, the potential exists to globally inventory the diversity of habitats and traits associated with terrestrial biodiversity. To face this challenge, there have been recent calls for a global biodiversity monitoring system (Jetz et al. 2016; Proença et al. 2017; The National Academy of Sciences 2017). A central theme of this volume is that remote sensing (RS) will play a key role in such a system. Plants and other photosynthetic organisms form the basis of almost all primary pro-ductivity on Earth, and their diversity and function underpin virtually all other life on this planet. Plants—collectively called vegetation—regulate the flow of critical biogeochemical cycles, including those for water, carbon, and nitrogen. They affect soil chemistry and other properties, which in turn affect the productivity and struc-ture of ecosystems. Given the importance of plant diversity for providing the eco-system services on which humans depend—including food production and the regulating services that maintain clean air and freshwater supply (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005; IPBES 2018a)—it is critical that we monitor and understand plant biodiversity from local to global scales, encompassing genetic variation within and among species to the entire plant tree of life (Cavender-Bares et al. 2017; Jetz et al. 2016; Turner 2014).Of the 340,000 known seed plants on Earth and the 60,000 known tree species (Beech et al. 2017), 1 out of every 5 seed plants and 1 out of every 6 tree species are threatened (Kew Royal Botanic Gardens 2016). Vulnerability to threats ranging from climate change to disease varies among species and lineages because of evolved differences in physiology and spatial proximity to threats. Across all conti-nents, the largest threat to terrestrial biodiversity is land use change due to farming and forestry, while climate change, fragmentation, and disease loom as ever-increasing threats (IPBES 2018a; b; c; d). Many plant species are at risk for extinc-tion due to a combination of global change factors, including drought stress, exotic species, pathogens, land use change, altered disturbance regimes, application of chemicals, and overexploitation.
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