E-book Gematon: Living and Dying in a Kushite Town on the Nile : The Pottery
The pottery published in this volume was excavated and recorded between 1997 and 2018. During the first seasons only diagnostic sherds (rims, bases, handles, decorated pottery and unusual fabrics) were recorded, ignoring the non-diagnostic body sherds for the sake of keeping up with the quantity of pottery excavated. This concerns only the pottery from Area B and part of Area A. From 2001 onwards all pottery, including plain body sherds, was included in the recording. Area Z was excavated just before work at Kawa was suspended while the SARS Amri to Kirbekan survey in the region of the Fourth Cataract was undertaken (2002-2007), and somehow part of the pottery from (ZH5) was drawn but not fully recorded. This unfortunately skews the data we have for Areas A, B and Z, but nonetheless the rim vessel equivalents (RVEs) can still be compared.The types of vessel found at Kawa range from locally made cooking pots and other coarsewares, to imported amphorae from Egypt, the Levant, Italy and possibly also Greece and Asia Minor (but only making up a very small percentage of the total pottery found). The full gamut of forms is present, from cups, bowls, beakers to cylindrical bread ovens, storage bins and lids, doka, bread platters, cooking pots with thickened bases, basins and closed and open-mouthed jars, incense burners and bread cones. While a large proportion of the published pottery that has been consulted for datable parallels comes from cemeteries, we have at Kawa a wide range of locations, from domestic (Areas B, C and Z), a shrine and ancillary buildings (Area A), two kilns (Areas FR, FS and FT), a magazine probably with high status accommodation on its upper floor (Build-ing F1), a street (FZ2) and a gateway (T), to funerary (Site R18, passim). This will assist in understanding the choice of grave goods, making it possible to rule out, for exam-ple, that the offerings in the graves were special forms or wares for funerary use only. It will hopefully also help to expand our knowledge of Napatan domestic archaeology, food preparation and diet, as well as giving an increased understanding of the volume of trade (or lack thereof).The pottery finds from the site are presented here not by area but according to type of vessel. The basic information relating to each form (see Figures in Sections 3.1-3.12 and the related Plates), decoration type (Figures 4.1-10, Plates 4.1-2) and graffiti (Figures 5.1-5.10, Plate 5.1) is presented in tabular form (Tables 3.1-12, 4.1 & 5.1). All forms are il-lustrated with a drawing, except in section 1, where several of the Napatan amphorae from Building F1 are essentially identical and have thus been amalgamated (see Table 3.1.1); the complete forms are, however, shown in Figures 6.2 and 6.3, where the majority of the amphorae found in Building F1 are illustrated. The tables (3.1-3.12) contain information on what con-texts a particular form occurs in, what fabrics it is made from, what graffiti, decoration and /or surface treatments were applied to it, its diameter range and the rim percentage, and finally whether it is handmade or wheel-made. Where one characteristic dominates significantly over the other(s) it has been marked in bold. A similar range of information is given in Tables 4.1 and 5.1 for decoration and graffiti. The fabrics are discussed below in Chapter 2.In total 211,088 sherds or complete pots were found and processed, weighing 5,037 kg. Out of this total c. 2,600 forms, 200 types of decoration and 210 graffiti or pot marks were recorded and drawn. The total number of vessels consists of a minimum of 3,686 rims (based on the total Rim Vessel Equivalent [RVE] percentage), 1,637 bases (base percentage1) and 185 handles not attached to a rim or complete pot. The RVE only tells us about the minimum number of vessels – there are in reality far more, as only looking at the total percentage would assume that they all join, which is not the case. Soil samples were collected from many of the complete pots, and the results of the analysis will be published in the future.
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