E-book Death is Served : The Serialization of Death and Its Conceptualization Through Food Metaphors in US Literature and Media
The fact that the tagline culminates in the emboldening of‘again’highlights therepetitionofdeath,whichprovidesthemotionpicture’sforwardmomentum.Inthefilm, protagonist and quintessential final girl, Teresa “Tree” Gelbman finds herselfcaptured in a Groundhog Day-esque loop in which she keeps being murdered, onherbirthday(Mondaythe18th),onlytowakeupagainthemorningofthatverysameday.The established repetitive dynamic circles around the serialized demise of TreeGelbmanandthefilmindulgesinexaminingtheplethoraofwaysinwhichshedies.We witness the same young woman being murdered ten times by a masked killerwho, through the repetitive structuring of the film, inadvertently becomes a serialkiller.Hermurderplaysoutdifferentlyeachtime,eventhoughitisthesamedayoverand over again, as we bear witness to the young woman getting stabbed, drowned,thrown from buildings,burnt,and beaten to death with a baseball bat,all while thefilmtakesapparentpleasureinvisualizingherdeathoverandoveragain.Ultimately,the plot hinges on the continuous killing off of its own protagonist who,upon wak-ing up, maintains the knowledge of the previous (birth)days in which she had livedand had been killed. This stagnant state of immortality allows Gelbman sufficient time to begin to solve her own murder in order to overcome her own demise,whichsheeventuallydoes.Ornamentedwithacoming-of-ageundertone,thefilmnotonlyhighlights the moral journey towards perfectibility, which the protagonist under-goes, but also illustrates her move from a passive, traditional female victim to anactive pursuer and avenger of her own murder(er) when she states that: “I will justhave to keep dying until I figure out who my killer is.”While Gelbman remains immortal and keeps waking up only to be killed again,herbodyneverthelesscarriesthephysicaltraumaofthepreviousdeathsthatshehasendured.Asherphysicianconfirms,“technicallyyoushouldbedead”,itbecomesev-identthatdeathhasbeenimprintedonherbody,whichbecomescanvasfordifferentversions of the corpse that are written upon her reinstated, living body. Gelbman’sresearchmisleadshertobelievethattheescapedserialkillerJohnTombsishermur-derer as she becomes stuck in a repetitive loop that feeds off of her demise while si-multaneously advancing the narrative; after she murders Tombs,she is lulled into afalse sense of security and, for the first time on the aforementioned date, Mondaythe 18th,she indulges in the cupcake that her roommate Laurie has baked for her.Itis this simple celebratory act that marks her crucial error.Unbeknownst to her,it isthepoisonedcupcake,andthusthejealousroommatetakingrevenge,thatkillsher,withTombshavingservedasamerescapegoat.Needlesstosay,Treewakesupagainandhasboththeopportunitytocorrecthererrorinjudgmentandtotakerevengeonher roommate Laurie. Having finally eliminated her murderer, the established cir-cularity is broken, and Tree Gelbman is reinstated to the land of the living, wakingup on Tuesday the 19th.
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