E-book Atlas of Mineral Deposits Distribution in China
The National Mineral Deposit Database of China (2002)(also referred to as the Database 2002) has been ranking topin terms of daily data distribution volume in the NationalGeological Archives of China (also referred to as theNGAC). However, it cannot be updated in a sustainablemanner and cannot provide up-to-date, comprehensive dataat present. Therefore, a new edition of the database isurgently needed by the industry of mineral geological surveyand social users. To this end, the NGAC is committed tovigorously promoting the development and utilization ofmineral-related geologic data holdings and comprehensivelyintegrating mine-related geologic data. In addition, it hasalso made great efforts to study the update and maintenancemechanisms of mineral deposit data and produce thematicmineral deposit data to serve the needs of all parties. Thepurpose is to provide support for mineral geological survey,prospecting prediction, and research on metallogenic rules.Meanwhile, it has strived to comprehensively improve theinformatization of geological survey and information servicelevel through deep data mining of mineral-related geologicdata. The aims are to meet the growing demand of miningindustry development for mineral-related geologic data, toprovide rich and reliable geologic data for economic andsocial development, to provide scientific and reliableresearch and assessment results for government decision-making, and to provide the most comprehensivemineral resource information for mining servicefields. By the end of June 2020, the Database 2020 contained307,081 pieces of valid mineral deposit data, with anincrease of more than 270,000 pieces compared to the33,794 pieces in the Database 2002. In addition, the newlyadded content in the Database 2020 also includes the datatables such as code comparison table and the data items suchas the code of 1:50,000-scaled map sheet of the mineraldeposit data, category of major mineral types, and datasource. Presently, the Database 2020 is the largest, mostcomplete, and most comprehensive mineral deposit databasein China.In terms of mineral types, the total 307,081 pieces of datain the Database 2020 include 44,038 pieces of data onenergy mineral deposits, accounting for 14.341%; 103,571pieces of data on metal mineral deposits, accounting for33.728%; 841 pieces of data on groundwater and gas min-eral deposits, accounting for 0.274%; 158,631 pieces of dataon non-metallic mineral deposits, accounting for 51.658%(Fig.2.1).The 103,571 pieces of data on metal mineral depositsinclude 37,339 pieces of data on ferrous metal deposits,accounting for 36.05%; 39,688 pieces of data on nonferrousmetal deposits, accounting for 38.32%; 22,661 pieces of dataon precious metal deposits, accounting for 21.88%; 1885 pieces of data on rare metal deposits, accounting for 1.82%;555 pieces of data on dispersed element deposits, accountingfor 0.54%; 1443 pieces of data on rare earth element metaldeposits, accounting for 1.39%.
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