In ancient Chinese civilization, emperors were revered as the direct descendants of the gods, who ruled all of nature and the heavens. Animal bones were consulted as oracles to answer the great questions of life and death, and ancestral spirits were thought to roam the earth, negotiating with the gods on behalf of the living. From the legends of the Eight Immortals to the teachings of Confucius…
Buku '100 Nama Marga China' adalah buku bacaan dasar yang dibuat oleh orang terpelajar di masa Song Utara di kota Qiantang (Hangzhou). Buku ini disusun dengan 4 kata Nama Marga sebagai satu kalimat seperti puisi yang sersuku kata 4. Walaupun tidak ada aturan tulisannya, tetapi mudah diingat, sehingga tersebar dan sangat besar pengaruhnya sampai saat ini.
After the three most famous poets – Li Bo ?? (701–762?), Wang Wei?? (701–761), Du Fu ?? (712–770) – of the reign of the Tangemperor Xuanzong ?? (r. 712–756) and extending roughly a decadeafterward, a half-century generally regarded as comprising the finestperiod of Tang poetry (i.e., the so-called “High Tang”), it is the poetMeng Haoran ??? (689–740) whose…
It was the summer of 1843, and in Tai County the okra flowers had just bloomed. Lu Yitian’s aunt, Madame Zhou, enjoyed making medi-cal concoctions and people came from all around seeking her treat-ment. There was a man who had been severely scalded, so that his body was covered in festering sores, and no one had been able to affect a cure. He came to beg for …
he Tuttle MORE Chinese for Kids Flash Cards (Simplified Character Edition) kit is an introductory Mandarin language learning tool especially designed to help children from preschool through early elementary level acquire basic words, Chinese characters, phrases, and sentences in Chinese in a fun and easy way. The flashcards can be used as a learning tool in a classroom setting, at home, or a…
This user-friendly book is aimed at helping students of Mandarin Chinese learn and remember Chinese characters. At last--there is a truly effective and enjoyable way to learn Chinese characters! This book helps students to learn and remember both the meanings and the pronunciations of over 800 characters. This otherwise daunting task is made easier by the use of techniques based on the psych…
Perkembangan China yang begitu pesat, didukung kuatnya pengaruh globalisasi, membuat kebutuhan menguasai bahasa Mandarin tidak terhindarkan lagi. Bahasa ini kian populer dipelajari hampir semua kalangan, baik komunitas Tionghoa maupun komunitas lain, untuk pergaulan, pendidikan, dan bisnis. Ngomong Mandarin, Ngobrolin China disusun oleh Penulis yang mengantongi berbagai prestasi di dalam dan lu…
Learn to read and write Chinese with Chineasy—a groundbreaking approach that transforms key Chinese characters into pictograms for easy recall and comprehension. Chinese is one of the oldest written languages, and one of the most difficult to master, especially for Westerners. With Chineasy, learning and reading Chinese has never been simpler or more fun. Breaking down the Great Wall of La…
Uncover the everyday Mandarin Chinese as it's spoken on the streets and in the alleys of China. With the help of Streetwise Mandarin Chinese, you'll get clued in on the frequently used idioms, colloquialisms, and slang currently used by Chinese speakers of all walks of life. The accompanying audio recordings include thirty dialogues performed by native speakers that bring the language of the st…
Learning Mandarin Chinese has never been this easy. This trusty travel companion features comprehensive definitions and colorful images of daily life, helping you appreciate the nuances of the language and master pronunciation. Keep the Mandarin Chinese-English Bilingual Dictionary by your side as you shop, eat, socialize, travel, and work. With more than 10,000 fully illustrated terms arra…