Build interactive, data-driven websites with the potent combination of open-source technologies and web standards, even if you only have basic HTML knowledge. With this popular hands-on guide, you?ll tackle dynamic web programming with the help of today?s core technologies: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5. Explore each technology separately, learn how to use them together, and pick up…
PHP 7 in easy steps will teach you to code server-side scripts. It begins by explaining how to install a free web server and the PHP interpreter to create an environment in which you can produce your own data-driven server-side web pages. You will learn how to write PHP server-side scripts and how to make MySQL database queries. Examples illustrate how to store and retrieve Session Data, how to…
Coding for Beginners in easy steps has an easy-to-follow style that will appeal to anyone, of any age, who wants to begin coding computer programs. You need have no previous knowledge of any computer programming language so it's ideal for the newcomer, including youngsters needing to learn programming basics for the school curriculum. The book instructs you how to write code to create your o…
In May 1991, ecologists in New York’s Hudson River discovered a peculiar al-teration in the river’s habitat. A new species of shellfish appeared that orig-inally only occurred in the Asian part of Russia but expanded globally sincethe 19th century: the zebra mussel. This invasive species quickly spread alongthe Hudson’s stream,displacing native species to a point where some of themwere on…
The TOOP Book aims to describe and document the developments and results of theOnce-Only Principle Project (TOOP). The once-only principle (OOP) is a concept inthe broader context of e-government that aims to ensure that business, citizens, andother organisations have to provide specific information to administrations and govern-mental authorities only once. The principle was defined as one of …
dBase has grown in the past few years into a powerful and popular database language. Hundred of thousands of PC users have automated their database management tasks using dBase. And as dBase has grown in popularity, various software firms have produced products compatible with the dBase language. These competing products have added unique features of their own.
This chapter lays the foundation by covering core concepts, including terminology, that are critical to have fresh in our minds as we learn how to accelerate C++ programs using data parallelism.Data parallelism in C++ enables access to parallel resources in a modern heterogeneous system. A single C++ application can use any combination of devices—including GPUs, CPUs, FPGAs, and AI Applicatio…
Compiler correctness is an old idea [37,40,41] that has seen a significant revival in re-cent times. This new wave was started by the creation of the CompCert verified C com-piler [33] and continued by the proposal of many significant extensions and variants ofCompCert [8,9,12,23,29,30,42,52,56,57,61] and the success of many other mile-stone compiler verification projects, including Vellvm [64]…
It has become commonplace to include programming in educational programes at all levelsand across a range of disciplines. Yet this still remains relatively uncommon in the arts andhumanities, where learning to program does not align explicitly with the related careeraspirations. This raises questions about what does or doesn’t get included in curricula, whythis may be the case, and which know…
R is both a programming language and an environment used in data analytics, statistical computing, and scientific research. It is amongst the best programming languages for researchers, data analysts, statisticians, and marketers. They use R to retrieve, clean, analyze, visualize and then present their data. Some of the reasons behind the increasing popularity in the use of R are an easy to use…