One of Asia's cultural capitals, Seoul is the perfect blend of traditional and modern, and is both fashion hub and food lover's paradise. Your DK Eyewitness Top 10 travel guide ensures you'll find your way around this dynamic city with absolute ease. Our regularly updated Top 10 travel guide breaks down the best of Seoul into helpful lists of ten - from our own selected highlights to the bes…
Welcome! You have decided to study in Denmark, and for that we salute you. We hope that you will enjoy your stay. We know that acclimatizing to a new country and a new city can be complicated – and we know that the Danes can be a little weird at times, so this book will give you tips, insights and background information on how to experience the best possible student life in Denmark. In each c…
Ireland is a parliamentary democracy. Its law is based on Common Law and legislation enacted by the (Irish Parliament) under the Constitution. In addition, regulations and directives enacted by the European Union have the force of law in Ireland. The Constitution of Ireland sets out the form of government and defines the powers and functions of the President, both Houses of the and the Govern…
The number of foreign nationals staying in Japan remains at a high level of approximately 2. 82 million as of the end of June 2021. It is expected that the number of foreign residents will continue to increase in the future. In order to realize a society in which both Japanese and foreign nationals can live with a sense of security, it is important for Japanese nationals to understand foreign n…
Journey To Wander ini dibuka dengan perjalanan ke Semarang, khususnya berkunjung ke destinasi wisata yang sudah memberlakukan protokol kesehatan BISA untuk melakukan traveling. Di Semarang akan banyak dijumpai deretan arsitektur kota tua yang masih terjaga dan juga beberapa destinasi yang masih mempertahankan bangunan sejarah dan budayanya.
This e-book contains Swiss's interesting destinations.
Cityscoopes: concise, illustrated guides that provide an overview of a city's past as well as a focused eye on its present.