Albert Einstein yang merupakan seorang fisikawan, filsuf, penulis, dan menjadi salah satu ilmuwan paling berpengaruh di dunia. Bahkan kata ” Einstein” sering diasosiasikan dengan kata pintar atau genius. Kita sering mendengar ucapan sehari-hari “otak Einstein” yang merujuk pada seorang siswa yang berpikiran cerdas. Einstein berhasil memecahkan berbagai hipotesa dan teori fisika yang seb…
The Illustrated science and invention encyclopedia is the home reference library for the layman that concentrates on "how it works" as the medium for explaining every significant scientific discovery and every major tecnological breakthrough.
The Illustrated science and invention encyclopedia is the home reference library for the layman that concentrates on "how it works" as the medium for explaining every significant scientific discovery and every major tecnological breakthrough.
The Illustrated science and invention encyclopedia is the home reference library for the layman that concentrates on "how it works" as the medium for explaining every significant scientific discovery and every major tecnological breakthrough.
The Illustrated science and invention encyclopedia is the home reference library for the layman that concentrates on "how it works" as the medium for explaining every significant scientific discovery and every major tecnological breakthrough.
The Illustrated science and invention encyclopedia is the home reference library for the layman that concentrates on "how it works" as the medium for explaining every significant scientific discovery and every major tecnological breakthrough.
The Illustrated science and invention encyclopedia is the home reference library for the layman that concentrates on "how it works" as the medium for explaining every significant scientific discovery and every major tecnological breakthrough.
The Illustrated science and invention encyclopedia is the home reference library for the layman that concentrates on "how it works" as the medium for explaining every significant scientific discovery and every major tecnological breakthrough.