John Babikian's "The Impact of Climate Control on Society: A Comprehensive Guide" is a remarkable achievement in the field of environmental science and social studies. This well-researched and expertly written guide delivers a comprehensive and accessible understanding of the various facets of climate control and its impact on modern society. As climate change continues to reshape our world, s…
The meaning of the word “nature” and its multiple imperfect translations has various connotations in different contexts and cultures. For my Indonesian friend, nature means tropical forests and coral reefs. For her, nature is timeless and unchanging. For me, it is capricious and ever-changing. Nature means trees in all their variations, golden flowers, wide red leaves, dark needles and cove…
This book focuses on the energy sector and will make a significant contribution to its continued evolution. For many years, the energy sector has been missing a raison d’etre and now finally there are increased calls for that to be justice. Hence, this book will develop the concept of energy justice and how it needs to be formalised in a new ‘social contract’ with all stakeholders in soci…
Climate change is perhaps the greatest threat to humanity today and plays out as a cruel engine of myriad forms of injustice, violence and destruction. The effects of climate change from human-made emissions of greenhouse gases are devastating and accelerating; yet are uncertain and uneven both in terms of geography and socio-economic impacts. Emerging from the dynamics of capitalism since the …
Environmental studies deals with every issue that affects an organism. It is essentially a multidisciplinary approach that brings about an appreciation of our natural world and human impacts on its integrity. It is an applied science as its seeks practical answers to making human civilization sustainable on the earth’s finite resources. Its components include biology, geology, chemistry, phys…
Intensive energy consumption is necessary to the good life. At least that is ExxonMobil’s outlook for energy in their “View to 2040,” quoted above. As global warming becomes more difficult to ignore, oil and gas titans increasingly want to brand themselves as energy companies that supply much-needed power to the people, rather than as fossil fuel extractors…
The global Living Planet Index continues to decline. It shows anaverage 68% decrease in population sizes of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish between 1970 and 2016. A 94% decline in the LPI for the tropical subregions of the Americas is the largest fall observed in any part of the world. Why does this matter? It matters because biodiversity is fundamental to human life on Earth, and…
The performance of more efficient technologies is often dependent on how they are used by householders, if at all. Moreover, short-term efficiency gains may be wiped out by increasing overall consumption in order to reach newly perceived levels of comfort, convenience and stand-ards. This increase in consumption manifests, for example, through social pressure to…