errestrial life forms made their move on land about 400 mil-lion years ago. Plants crossed the barrier between life in water to life in the atmosphere. With the invention of stable stems, plants overcame hydrological and mechanical problems. The construction of plant stems is the focus of this book. It demon-strates that nature created a framework in which plant stems…
d more in the development of science, particularly in Ethiopia, because the Italian language in which they are published is not more widely read. These results should be more widely known, and the present authors hope that this publication will help to remedy that problem. We provide commented translations of the papers that present the field observations and we analyse the update…
Shoots in this class must be of superior quality, very well formed and practically straight. Having regard to the normal characteristics of the group to which they belong, their tips must be very compact. Only a few very slight traces of rust caused by non-pathogenic agents on the shoot, removable by normal peeling by the consumer, are allowed. For the white asparagus group, the tips and shoots…
Looks at core topics from many angles, using facts, 3-D models, data boxes, charts, and more, bringing together the best of the Web with DK's outstanding reference books. e.guides Plant has its own Web site, Create by DK and Google. When you look up a subject in the book, the article gives you key facts and displays a keyword that links you to extra information online.
Anthrax has not been diagnosed in SA for many years, but the risk of an outbreak is heightened with occasional detections in NSW and Victoria as well as isolated outbreaks in WA and Queensland. Anthrax is caused by a bacterium that affects many species including cattle, sheep, goats and humans. The bacterium produces spores when exposed to air that persist in soil for many years. The disease is…
“Nature has provided us a solution for our health problems. The only thing required is finding the right plants and using them in such a manner that the active compound can do its job.” This book about Balinese traditional medicinal plants serves as an effort to disseminate information about various types of medicinal plants collected by Bali Botanical Gardens along with the information on…
All plants described in this guide book are alien speces and they can also be found elsewhere in Southeast Asia region. Almost all have been introduced to Southeast Asia, either intentionally or unintensionally. Some have been naturalized such as Imperata cylindrica or “alang alang” that are capable of reproducing and spreading without human intervention. Several species are most common wee…
Water plays a crucial role in the life of plant. It is the most abundant constituents of most organisms. Water typically accounts for more than 70 percent by weight of non-woody plant parts. The water content of plants is in a continual state of flux. The constant flow of water through plants is a matter of considerable significance to their growth and survival. The uptake of water by cells gen…
The term cell is derived from the Latin cella, meaning storeroom or chamber. It was first used in biology in 1665 by the English botanist Robert Hooke to describe the individual units of the honeycomb-like structure he observed in cork under a compound microscope. The “cells” Hooke observed were actually the empty lumens of dead cells surrounded by cell walls, but the term is an apt one be…
Currently, powerful methods derived from molecular genetics have resulted in atendency to focus research on the molecular aspects of biology and tend to leavebehind important aspects of the activity of intact plants. However, the intact plantitself has high potential to integrate functions and to respond to diverse environ-mental conditions. To study the activity and development of living plant…