Innovations create new possibilities for the welfare state. Digital technologies, however, can create a range of surprising and unintended effects. Lost in Digital Translations: Studies of Digital Resistance and Accommodation to the Welfare State in Practice is an exploration of what happens when digital technologies intersect with welfare state practices. This book seeks to develop a creative …
COVID-19 infection has seen a widespread in some regions. The government has been taking measures to address this issue as an important crisis management issue, including the establishment of disaster management headquarters on March 26th, 2020. Under these circumstances, various parts of Japan in fiscal year (hereafter referred to as “FY”) of 2020 saw torrential rain, earthquakes, heavy s…
In his day, Raphael Cilento was one of the most prominent and controversial figures in Australian medicine. As a senior medical officer in the Commonwealth and Queensland governments, he was an active participant in public health reform during the inter-war years and is best known for his vocal engagement with public discourse on the relationship between hygiene, race and Australian nationhood.…
There is a well-known productivity gap between the Northern Powerhouse and the rest of England of £4 perperson-per-hour. There is also a substantial health gap between the Northern Powerhouse and the rest of England, with average life expectancy 2 years lower in the North. Given that both health and productivity are lower in the Northern Powerhouse, the NHSA commissioned this report from six …
Although the pandemic has had an impact on nearly everyone’s life, there have been particular concerns about the mental and physical health of the millions of young Europeans whose formative years have been marked by disruptions in their education and social activities. In several European countries such as Belgium, Estonia, France, Sweden and Norway, the share of young people reporting sympt…
In 2005 the World Health Assembly through its resolution WHA58.28 on eHealth urged Member States “to consider drawing up a long-term strategic plan for developing and implementing eHealth services… to develop the infrastructure for information and communication technologies for health…to promote equitable, affordable and universal access to their benefits.” Countries and stakeholders we…
In this fascinating book David Ingram traces the history of information technology and health informatics from its pioneers in the middle of the twentieth century to its latest developments. The book is distinctive in its broad scope and coverage and as the eyewitness account of an author who became the first UK professor appointed with the mission to bridge information technology with everyday…
In this fascinating book David Ingram traces the history of information technology and health informatics from its pioneers in the middle of the twentieth century to its latest developments. The book is distinctive in its broad scope and coverage and as the eyewitness account of an author who became the first UK professor appointed with the mission to bridge information technology with everyday…
This plot, however, is not the only way in which DIY biology and the contexts of itsformation enter the narrative: genetic testing for disease and heritage and its reper-cussions – even a secret DNA test without the person’s knowledge or consent – forman important part of some of the storylines, while the Opioid Crisis, high drug pricesand a fight against ‘Big Pharma,’ as well as diff…
But Virchow’s understanding of politics was very particular, as revealedin the second and less well-known part of his statement. After character-izing politics as medicine on a larger scale, Virchow went on to write,‘Medicine as a social science, as the science of human beings, has the obli-gation to point out problems and to attempt their theoretical solution;the politician, the practical …