These are disturbing times. Scholars in medieval and premod-ern studies are tired of explaining why, yet this labor continues to be performed by those who often have the least personal and professional security.1 A case in point here is Mary Rambaran-Olm, who consistently advocated, and with considerable risk for her own scholarly career and personal well-being, for the re-tire…
For the debates about the ultramontanization of Catholicism in the course of the nineteenth century the contrast of an early example of pilgrimages and a later case during the heyday of ultramontanism can be revealing. Though sim-ilar in social and gender aspects there are differences on the level of organiza-tion, inherent ultramontanism and transnational traits. The phenom…
Although they contain a wealth of geographical information, land registers have not been fully exploited with the aim of reconstructing the Nile Valley landscape. However, compared to other written or pictorial sources, they have several advantages. 1) The geographical information they contain is based on onsite observation and therefore directly reflects the r…
Two months after his arrival in Ottoman Syria in September 1860, the Prussianbureaucrat Johann Ludwig Guido von Rehfues (1818–97) and his colleagues setoff on a hauntingly memorable journey to Damascus.² Leaving Beirut early in themorning, they rodefirst up Mount Lebanon. From all the heights to which theirpath took them, they could see the smoke-stained rubble of onceflourishingvillages in …
On May 19, 1798 a French fleet under the command of the young general Napoleon Bonaparte sailed from Toulon in order to challenge the power of England in Egypt. He hoped by the conquet of the Nile to construct a French stronghold in the East from which to threaten British power and wealth in India. While the Nile Valley soon fell into French hands, confused political circumstances a home forced…
In the history of education, the question of how computers were introduced into European classrooms has so far been largely neglected. This edited volume strives to address this gap. The contributions shed light on the computerization of general education from a historical perspective, by looking closely at the different actors, political rationales and ideologies, as well as financial, politic…
The structure of the unit guides respects new AP teachers’ time by providing one possible sequence they can adopt or modify rather than having to build from scratch. An additional benefit is that these units enable the AP Program to provide interested teachers with formative assessments—the Personal Progress Checks—that they can assign their students at the end of each unit to gauge progr…
The historian works with documents. Documents are the traces which have been left by the thoughts and actions of men of former times. Of these thoughts and actions, however, very few leave any visible traces, and these traces, when there are any, are seldom durable; an accident is enough to efface them. Now every thought and every action that has left no visible traces, or none but what have si…
Although it is true that history has more do with men and nations with the countries in which they act their parts, still it is within her province to show the position, climate, and physical features of a country have influenced the character and fortunes of the people who inhabit it.
Sitting in the shadow of the north wall of the ruined caravan house (karavanatun) at Arai-Bazarǰuł on a clear day in summer, one can see four mountain peaks. To the west above Aragats, the tallest mountain in the Republic of Armenia, clouds catch and gather, threatening to descend and change the day from sun to hail in minutes. To the northeast, the stooping shoulder of Tełenis hefts a load …