How do the Moroccan sound archives of the writer Paul Bowles from the 1970s sound today with the musicians of that time? What does an earthquake in Agadir have to do with a Japanese science fiction film? What sound do stones have? And what do we learn about environmental pollution by listening to the agar agar algae? Drawing on critical sound studies, ethnographic research, and artistic practic…
Over the past 100 years or so, American popular music has gained acceptance at home and abroad. It has become the music that many, especially the young and young at the heart, listen to virtually all of the time. In the United States, the vast array of popular music forms are aired by more than 90 percent of all radio stations. Internationally, both American versions of popular songs and versio…
Germany is considered a lauded land of music: outstanding composers, celebrated performers and famous orchestras exert great international appeal. Since the 19th century, the foundation of this reputation has been the broad mass of musicians who sat in orchestra pits, played in ensembles for dances or provided the musical background in silent movie theatres. Martin Rempe traces their lives and …
Christmas is a special time. A Time of rejoicing, of solemn thanksgiving, of gift-giving, of pleasures both modern and traditional, of feasting and of being together with family and friends. And christmas is a time of special music. What better way to celebrate the birthday of Jesus than to join together and raise our voices in the special songs of Christmas - or to tune our musical songs of Ch…
The first modern English edition of Richard Wagner's essays on conducting, extensively annotated, with a critical essay on Wagner as conductor: his aesthetic, practices, vocabulary, and impact. Richard Wagner was one of the leading conductors of his time. Through his disciples Hans von Bülow, Hans Richter, Anton Seidl, Felix Mottl, Arthur Nikisch, and their many notable protégés, a Wagnerian…
Open Access Musicology (OAM) publishes peer-reviewed, scholarly essays primarily intended to serve students and teachers of music history, ethno/musicology, and music studies. The constantly evolving collection ensures that recent research and scholarship inspires classroom practice. OAM essays provide diverse and methodologically transparent models for student research, and they introduce diff…
In Catholic doctrine, the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary is the belief that Mary, the mother of Christ, was exempt from original sin from the moment of her conception, and thereby a co-redeemer alongside her son. Praise for this complicated devotion took place in Europe throughout the medieval period and resounded in the Americas with the founding of the first convent in Mexico City u…
When the Stockton & Darlington Railway opened in 1825, it was the first steam-powered railway to carry passengers. Since then there has been no shortage of music connected with trains and railways: orchestral pieces and popular songs describing railway journeys; those that celebrate the opening of a new line; work songs and blues describing the hardship of building the railroads, even the first…
Although not di-rectly related to GAS, it is worth mentioning that the German music instrument re-tailer Thomann (2019) hosts an annual summer camp as part of its ‘Gearhead Uni-versity’. YouTubers get the opportunity to review each piece of equipment in Thomann’s warehouse in a small village in southern Germany, document their ex-periences on video and share them online with fe…