Before entering upon the many strange beliefs of the ancient Greeks, and the extraordinary number of gods they worshipped, we must first consider what kind of beings these divinities were. In appearance, the gods were supposed to resemble mortals, whom, however, they far surpassed in beauty, grandeur, and strength; they were also more commanding in statue, height being considered by the Greeks …
Guido Gezelle, born in Bruges in 1830, left a varied œuvre as a man of letters, journalist, translator and populariser. But it is mainly as a poet that he occupies an illustrious position in the history of Dutch literature. He is undoubtedly the most innovative and original Flemish poet between 1680 and 1880. With his exceptional lyrical poetry he was some twenty years ahead of the renewal mov…
Semakin banyak kosa kata atau vocabulary yang dikuasai dalam salah satu bahasa, semakin mahir seseorang berkomunikasi dalam bahasa tersebut. Prinsip ini berlaku dalam semua bahasa, termasuk bahasa Inggris. Ada banyak cara untuk menguasai kosa kata. Mengenal berbagai pertanyaan yang kerap dilontarkan dalam bahasa yang hendak dipelajari menjadi salah satu caranya. Buku ini berisi 500 pertanyaa…