Explores the courtship behavior of different animals, including insects, fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
A biological community refers to the distribution of organisms in a certain time andspace, usually including animals, plants, microorganisms, and other species popu-lations. Biological communities are the living parts of an ecosystem. Biologicalcommunities depend on the environment; usually, each environment has a corre-sponding specific biological community. Therefore, the ecological environme…
Wildlife Management is “Game management is the art of making land produce sustained annual crops of wild game for recreational use.” Leopold 1933 " the management of wildlife populations in the context of the ecosystem.” Sinclair et al. 2006 “the application of ecological knowledge to populations of vertebrate animals and their plant and animal associates in a manner that strikes a bala…
The mammalian order catacea includes three suborders: the archaeoceti ancient whales, extinct forms known only from fossils. including at least ten living species of baleen or whalebone whale; and the odontoceti or toothed whales, including about 70 living species of dolphins, porpoises, and whales with teeth but no baleen. So far, humans have not driven any cetacean species to extinction, alth…
Crowbar in hand, Isaac Van Amburgh became famous for confrontinglions in the confined space of a cage in a new type of public enter-tainment. His look alone was believed to subdue lions although inperformance he manhandled them forcefully. Sensationalist handlingacts proliferated and the feat that came to typify 19th-century travellingmenageries involved tamers, including lion queen Ellen Chapm…