This resource is part of a series produced by the Zoological Society of London and the University of Cambridge, which aims to (1) assess seabirds’ vulnerability to climate change in the North-East Atlantic, and (2) identify potential conservation actions that could reduce this vulnerability. This guidance collates information fromthe scientifc literature, non-governmental organisations’ …
Birds are of high public interest and of great value as indicators of thestate of the environment. Some 11,000 species are a number relatively well tohandle. From a scientific point of view, it is not easily answerable what a speciesis, since speciation and extinction are ongoing evolutionary processes and differen-tiation among species works on various traits. Contemporary systematics attempts…
2022 is a landmark year for BirdLife and conservation. One hundred years ago, in 1922, a group of visionary conservationists concerned about the plight of the world’s birds and wider biodiversity came together to found one of the world’s first international conservation organisations – the International Committee for Bird Protection (ICBP). This network has steadily grown over the last ce…
Get a bird's eye view of the amazing world of raptors--from the majestic falcon, hawk and eagle to the stealthy owl and the formidable vulture. This fascinating overview examines the development, anatomy, mating, and nesting habits of birds of prey as well as their techniques for stalking, catching, and killing their quarry. Also discussed is the importance of the protection raptors in todays …
E-book ini berisi tentang pengelompokan Aves.
This e-book contains evolution, communication, ecology and conservation about biology of birds.
Jumlah jenis burung di Indonesia dalam kurun waktu lebih dari 10 tahun terakhir telah mendapat penambahan jenis yang cukup banyak. Penambahan jenis ini merupakan hasil dari kemajuan penelitian sistematika dan taksonomi burung, penemuan jenis dan catatan baru. Oleh karena itu, jenis burung di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan dari 1598 jenis (Sukmantoro dkk. 2007) menjadi antara 1711 sampai 1788 (…