In the past decade, Southeast Asia’s economic and geopolitical profile in the worldhas risen dramatically. It is one of the fastest growing markets and least well-knownregions in the world. Countries in this region are important because they are large inaggregate, strategically located, exceptionally diverse, and intellectually interesting.This book on Demographic and Family Changes in Southe…
There are now half a million centenarians in the world, and their num-ber is projected to grow eightfold by 2050 (Stepler 2016). Inevitably, longerhuman lifespans, especially at older ages, are reshaping how we must thinkabout work, planning, saving, investing, insuring, and financing our liveli-hoods in retirement. This volume offers a perspective on how public-privatepartnerships (PPPs) can p…
An anthropological exploration is a journey that takes place through a long tunnel?4 Truthfully, this process can be portrayed as a journey, that can be gen-erally described as one that starts with a declaration of a dissertation problem-atic followed by narrowing of the field of study, setting out how you are going to approach the study, reviewing all the existing li…
Shared physical custody (SPC)1, the care arrangement in which a child lives from30% to 70% of the time with each parent after their separation or divorce, has beenon the rise in most Western regions in the last two decades (Smyth2017). Prevalenceand incidence of SPC vary substantively by context though. While the percentage ofSPC among divorced and separated parents grew from 12% to 50% between…
Extreme longevity has long been a topic of interest to the media and to the broader public. There are many legends of people who set longevity records, with tales of individuals who lived 200, 500, and even 969 years. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to validate the ages of long-lived individuals until the twentieth century. In the second half of the twentieth century, the nu…
The demographic make-up of populations at the time of disaster determines whois impacted and the extent of impacts on residents and others. Improving technolo-gies, improved warning systems, investments in disaster mitigating infrastructureand improving community preparedness and response in the face of disasters areexamples of attempts to reduce disaster impacts. While a range of studies havel…