In April 2017, scientists took to the streets in a historically unprecedented Global March for Science. The event was seen as symbolic of a crisis in the relationship of science and society. This book considers the Global March for Science from a postcolonial perspective to inquire into the toolkit that the academic field of Science & Technology Studies (STS) has to offer. It argues that new co…
Author(s) van Beek, Lucien Collection Dutch Research Council (NWO) Language English Show full item record Reflexes of syllabic liquids play an important yet controversial role in Greek dialect classification and the analysis of Homeric formulas. This book tackles the entire evidence afresh and elaborates a ground-breaking new scenario of language change in the epic tradition.; Readership…
Just as plant and animal lineages are not uniformly distributed around the world, the same is true for the distribution of language families. As of 2017 the Ethnologue list includes around 50 distinct language families covering 7099 living languages, some of which, like Austronesian, have spread over a huge geographical range while others, like Amuric, have only a single living member (i.e., Ni…
The physical seclusion of the village and the social aloofness of the Kanashicommunity have contributed to the maintenance of its traditional culture and lan-guage,butrecentdevelopmentsarethreateningthetraditionallifestyle,includingthe language, where especially contact with Hindi4is becoming an integral partof the villagers’ daily lives. This is the latest episode in a long history of contin…