By the end of the first millennium CE, a vast portion of Central Eurasia was con-trolled by nomadic powers: the Sinicized Khitans (907–1125), who were later replaced by the Jurchens (1115–1234) and the Tanguts (1038–1227) in North and Northwest China; and the Turko-Islamic dynasties such as the Qarakhanids (840–1212), the Ghaznavids (977–1163) and the Saljuqs (1037–1194, and 1077–…
Dunhuang: China’s traditional northwest frontier and overland conduit of exchange with the Old World. Jao Tsung-i: China’s last great traditional man of letters, polymath, and pioneer of comparative humanistic inquiry during Hong Kong’s global heyday. Jao and Dunhuang had a special relationship that this book makes accessible in English for the first time. Inside, Jao proposes an entirely…
Herritage and memory, as closely related concepts, have great relevance to our world and European society today. Contemporery Europe faces political, economic, social, and humanitarian challenges that influence both how people deal with their past and how they build their identities and ideas of the future as they remember and reshape the past within, and related to larger power structures.