This chapter describes some important highlights in the history of the IoT (Internet of things). Nowadays, the internet-based information architecture allows the exchange of services and goods between all elements, equipment and objects connected to the network. The IoT refers to the networked interconnection of those everyday objects, which are often equipped with some kind of intelligence. In…
This book is an exploration of the conjuncture of nature and artifice enacted in the figure of the neural network. In that project it joins a rich body of scholarship devoted to tracing the genealo-gies through which the biological and the technological have been variously constituted as opposites and as models for each other. As Haraway observes, however much the designed and engineered have a…
Already in the Digitising European Industry (DEI) strategy [1], theCommission set up the ambitious goal of making Europe the world leaderin the Internet of Things (IoT).In 2017, we launched five IoT Large-Scale Pilot (LSP) projects [2] inthe areas of smart cities, health, wearables, cars and food and agriculture,with a total amount of EU funding of 100 mi…