okyo Ueno Station: A Novel (JR Uenoeki K?enguchi, 2014) by Y? Miri recounts the heartbreaking life story of an unnamed man, born in the same year as the now Emperor Emeritus Akihito (b. 1933; reigned 1989–2019). The protagonist’s son was born on the same day as Akihito’s eldest son, the present Emperor Naruhito, on 23 February 1960. In more ways than one, the life of the pro…
This contains information about travel in Tokyo.
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet's Kyoto is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Walk through thousands of vermillion entrance gates to
True to its name, this covers all of Tokyo's major sights and attractions in easy-to-use top 10 lists that help you plan the vacation that's right for you.
Explore the busy streets, exciting food, and historic sights of Tokyo. Learn the must-sees of this amazing capital city. Discover DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Tokyo. • Detailed itineraries and "don't-miss" destination highlights at a glance. • Illustrated cutaway 3-D drawings of important sights. • Floor plans and guided visitor information for major museums. • Guide…
Japan is arguably today's most successful industrial economy, combining almost unprecedented affluence with social stability and apparent harmony. Japanese goods and cultural products--from animated movies and computer games to cars, semiconductors, and management techniques--are consumed around the world. In many ways, Japan is an icon of the modern world, and yet it remains something of an en…
Japan is a country of contradictions and extremes. It is a country of age-old practices and cutting edge technology, strong martial traditions and refined artistic accomplishments. Few countries have been the subject of so much attention yet remain so elusive. Japan is an island nation defined by its close proximity to, yet isolation from the Asian mainland. Throughout history, ideas adopted fr…
To tease out the evolution of institutions, organisations and transport requires a broad search of historical accounts written both in English and in Japanese. Published in English, there is scholarship rich in details of ancient and modern aspects of Japan, its politics and economy. Computer search engines and the website Academia allow access to data bases th…
Konnichiwa from one of the most fascinating countries on earth. Whether you want to see cherry blossoms in Kyoto, speed through the countryside aboard a shinkansen, or shop til you drop in futuristic Shibuya, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all Japan has to offer. Japan is a land of contrast - think tranquil zen gardens and peaceful pagodas, neon-lit cities and r…
Let me make a brief comment about pastimes here. Some may frown on pastimes as being play without purpose. However, this is absolutely not the case. I hardly need to cite Homo Ludens (The Person Who Plays), that 1938 book about the importance of play in culture by the famous European historian Johan Huizinga (1872–1945), to make the case that a culture that loses the element of p…