Great teams don’t just happen. How often have you sat in team meetings complaining to yourself, “Why does it take forever for this group to make a simple decision? What are we even trying to achieve?” As a team leader, you have the power to improve things. It’s up to you to get people to work well together and produce results. Written by team expert Mary Shapiro, the HBR Guide to …
You might imagine that an effective leader is someone who makes quick, intelligent decisions, gives inspiring speeches, and issues clear orders to their team so they can execute a plan to achieve your organization's goals. Unfortunately, David Marquet argues, that's an outdated model of leadership that just doesn't work anymore. As a leader in today's networked, information-dense business cl…
Start with Why menggunakan contoh dunia nyata untuk menguraikan konsep Lingkaran Emas yang merangkum pentingnya mengindentifikasi tujuan keberadaan organisasi sebelum hal lainnya, kemudian mengambil tindakan untuk membuat visi menjadi kenyataan. Asal mula perusahaan harus menjadi alasannya. Begitu juga dengan pribadi kita. Setiap orang atau organisasi dapat menjelaskan apa yang mereka lakukan; …
Sudah hampir satu dekade sejak terjadinya krisis keuangan global tahun 2008/09 kondisi ekonomi dan keuangan dunia masih belum sepenuhnya beranjak dari kondisi normalnya. Hal ini tidak hanya tercermin dari pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia yang masih di bawah angka rata-rata jangka panjangnya dalam lima tahun terakhir, namun juga kondisi pasar keuangan dunia yang masih diliputi oleh ketidakpastian yang…
Warren Bennis has called menaging people is like herding cats his last and best word on leadership. Herding catas spells out the dilemma facing our leaderless society, details the qualities that successful leaders must have, and explores the challenges that today's ;eaders must face as they move toward change. Along the way Bennis challenges our complacency and asks some serious questions: - W…