Marcus Aurelius is said to have been fond of quoting Plato’s dictum, and those who have written about him have rarelybeen able to resist applying it to Marcus himself. And indeed, if we seek Plato’s philosopher-king in the flesh we could hardly do better than Marcus, the ruler of the RomanEmpire for almost two decades and author of the immortal Meditations. Yet the title is one that Marcus …
Adorno believed that a circular relationship was established between immediacy and mediation. Should we now say that this model with its clear Hegelian influence is outdated? Or does it need some theoretical integration? This volume addresses these questions by covering the performance of music, its technological reproduction and its modes of communication – in particular, pedagogy and dissem…
Somehow, keeping Jesus as the first priority in our day is the last thing we make time to manage well! That's why I have loved being on the receiving end of the marketplace meditaions included in TGIF ( To Day god Is First), I was introduced to them thrugh the internet and recommend that this harad copy format be augmented by the "cyber surece" nuggets Os Hillman provids. The fresh spiritual re…