One of the most notable features of any survey of the history of energy regimes in the Americas over the past century is the “pendulum effect.” Anecdotal though the observation may be, it is clear that despite the broad and incremental transformational changes that have occurred in the global energy landscape over time, individual countries have un…
2019 saw a significant number of countries, regions and cities declaring a “climate emergency”.10 The year closed at 1.1°C above pre-industrial averages, making it the second-warmest year observed—second only to the record set in 2016.11 Sea levels are rising at an alarming rate, and the devastating impacts of climate change are more visible than ever with wildfires ravaging Australia, S…
Perubahan iklim disebabkan oleh adanya pelepasan gas seperti karbon dioksida (CO2), nitrogen oksida (N2O), metana (CH4), dan lain-lain ke atmosfer, yang dapat memanaskanbumi. Para ilmuwan menyebut bahwa pemanasan global dapat dijelaskan dengan efek rumah kaca yang menangkap panas pancaran gas dari bumi ke atmosfer. Menurut Fifth Assessment Report 2014 dari Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Cha…
Industrially drilled petroleum and its refined products have transformed life and landscapes around the world in ways that are often not visible or recognized. It is difficult to see petro-leum’s shaping force when it forms part of so many of the objects and materials that surround us: the fabric of our clothes, the toys of our children, the asphalt on which we drive, even the food we eat. Pe…
Eksploitasi sumber daya mineral yang tak terkendali berdampak terhadap terjadinya degradasi lingkungan dan menyisakan sumber daya marginal. Oleh karena itu, pemanfaatan sumber daya marginal perlu dilakukan secara efektif dan efisien. Buku ini memberikan informasi inovasi baru tentang pemrosesan mineral yang secara ekonomi menguntungkan. Rekayasa benefisiasi tidak meningkatkan kualitas atau memu…