Why is it that we so readily accept the boundary lines drawn around nations or around regions like ‘Asia’ as though they were natural and self-evident, when in fact they are so mutable and often so very arbitrary? What happens to people not only when the borders they seek to cross become heavily guarded, but also when new borders are drawn straight through the middle of their lives? The ess…
Regionalisme Asia Tenggara yang cukup terkenal, ASEAN, tidak hanya berhasil mengintegrasikan sepuluh negara anggotanya, melainkan juga memiliki peran penting dalam menciptakan stabilitas keamanan di kawasan Asia Timur. Namun tahukah Anda bahwa juga terdapat tiga kerja sama subregional di antara negara-negara di Asia Tenggara yang berperan/turut serta membangun kawasan tersebut? Greater Meko…