What if the word "no" didn't slow you down, depress, or discourage you? Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but “NO” Can Never Hurt Me! That’s the lesson twenty-eight year old copier salesman Eric Bratton is about to learn. And he’s going to learn it from the most unlikely of mentors - himself! Imagine going to bed one night, then to awaken the next morning in a strange house wi…
Not exactly a recipe for happiness. Why is it so hard to admit when we step out of line, are rude, or act impatient? Because our ego feels so much better when we project our flaws and shortcomings on to someone else. It’s your fault, not mine. Just think about all the arguments and fights that grow out of this simple dynamic. Each person blames the other for saying or doing something wrong, j…
Success is defined by Webster's Dictipnary as "the achievement os something designed, planned or attempted; the gaining of fae or posperity." The Catechism tells us tje Jesus, the Master, defines success as "fulfilling that for which we were created, namely, to know, love and serve God on this earth so as so be happy with him forever in heaven." Such success doesn't just happen. It has to be ca…