Over de eerste eeuwen van het christendom in het noorden van de Lage Landen valt weinig met zekerheid te zeggen. De schoolboekjes van vroeger wilden de mensen nog wel doen geloven dat met de komst van missionarissen als Willibrord en Bonifatius de verspreiding van het christendom op Nederlandse bodem een beklonken zaak was. Maar historici vermoeden inmiddels dat …
By studying the lives, careers and actions of individuals or groups in a given his-torical period, we can draw conclusions on the causes, courses and consequences of historical events, which will in turn help us to attain a clearer image of a past soci-ety, its customs and its perception of reality. Such an approach makes history more “human,” as well as more understandable and interesting.…
The present work is based on a little-known booklet, published by the Rev. Dr John Hunt (born Bridgend, Perth, 1827, died Otford, Kent, 1907).1 The original copy that I have used is in the possession of the Norris Museum, St Ives, Cambridgeshire (formerly Huntingdonshire) and contains manuscript annotations by Mrs Eliza Hunt,2 the first wife of the author…
Disciples of Christ follow him, the Lamb of God, wherever he goes. They don’t imitate him, it is just the opposite; to follow the Lamb is to deny oneself, to give away one’s own wants and wishes and like a grain of wheat fall into the earth and die. This is the way to bear much fruit for the glory and honour of God.Looking at this magnificent image of Amy (Figure 2) convinces us that it sho…
Modern popular culture promotes celebrity: people who are well known for being well known. Stirring up controversy or scandal and then talking or writing about it enhances celebrity status. Yet, the cult of celebrity does not and cannot adequately explain the hold that a tiny nun from Albania had, and retains, on the conscience of the world. For a woman who neither sought nor expected recogniti…