Semen Retention is a centuries-old practice that allows you to harness your body’s vital energy and redirect it to any area of your life. From achieving the perfect body to outstanding results in business and creative endeavours, semen retention can turbocharge your success.
I have always asked myself many questions, very profound questions. The kind of questions that are called existential questions. I have always wanted to know the reason for my life, the reason for all of our lives. Who am I? Why do I exist? Why do others exist? What are we doing here? Have we come here for anything in particular? Why are we born, why do we die? Where do we come from and where a…
Sebuah uraian tanya jawab teologis antara Muslim dan Kristen/Katolik, yang disusun oleh Christian W. Troll SJ sebagai hasil pengalamannya melakukan kegiatan dialog antaragama yang tak kenal lelah di Tunisia dan Jerman. Sebuah buku yang sangat cocok dibaca oleh para Pemuka Agama maupun masyarakat awam di sebuah negara plural seperti Indonesia, dalam menyebarkan benih-benih dialog, pemahaman d…