Structure As Architecture provides readers with an accessible insight into the relationship between structure and architecture, focusing on the design principles that relate to both fields. Over one hundred case studies of contemporary buildings from countries across the globe including the UK, the US, France, Germany, Spain, Hong Kong and Australia are interspersed throughout the book. The aut…
The present research is based on several years of study and on visits to Morocco and Chefchaouen. It began in 2005, as a participation in an international cooperation project funded by the Tuscan region, which had as partners in Italy the SPEF Scuola Profession-ale Edile of Florence and the TaeD Department of Architecture and Design Technolo-gies "Pierluigi Spadolini" of Florence and as partner…
No city in the world is better covered by literature – fictional and non-fictional – than London. From Pepys, via Dickens, to Ackroyd, London has benefited from a series of talented historians, novelists and commentators who have provided detailed accounts of the city’s condition. In the past few years a new tranche of books has been published on the contemporary character of the…
Algorithms have risen to become one, if not the central technology for producing, circulating, and evaluating knowledge in multiple societal arenas. In this book, scholars from the social sciences, humanities, and computer science argue that this shift has, and will continue to have, profound implications for how knowledge is produced and what and whose knowledge is valued and deemed valid. To …
The loss of hedgerow trees, changes to woodland management and increasing urbanisation have all contributed to a decline in the availability of natural sites for cavity-nesting species like Blue Tit and Starling. Species that nest alongside people, such as House Sparrow and Swift, have lost out to changing building regulations, which have reduced the opportunities for birds to nest under roof t…
In the sequence and division of the smart materials shown here some special points had to be taken into account. Classification in accordance with influencing factors and changing properties does not make things absolutely clear, as with some smart materials changes may be triggered by two, three, or more different influences or in other cases stimulation by a single influence can result in sev…
Stimulated by the urgency of the Second World War, nuclear science progressed rapidly from the discovery of the neutron by Sir James Chadwick in 1932. Out of this basic knowledge came the discovery in 1939 that when atoms fission (i.e. are split), energy is released. This led in turn to the first controlled chain reaction (1943), the first atomic weapon (1945), and the first production of elect…
This book is open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. This book is arranged and developed around the theme of “2050 China,” it analyzes the factors and advantages of the Chinese road to socialist modernization, explores and summarizes the development goal and the basic logic of the socialist modernization of China, and further shows the general basis of the primary stage of socialism. A…