A powerful antidote to the stresses of modern life, yoga is a practical philosophy that aims at uniting the body, mind and spirit for health and fulfilment. This book clearly explains and demystifies the art of yoga, making it accesible to everyone who would like to start to practise at home, safely and effectively. How to Use Yoga will show you how to achieve a fit and supple body through the …
Yoga is one of the six orthodox systems of Indian philosophy. It was collated, co-ordinated and systematised by PataiijiHi in his classical work, the Yoga Sutras, which consists of 185 terse aphorisms. In Indian thought, everything is permeated by the Supreme Universal Spirit (Paramatma or God) of which the individual human spirit (j1vatma) is a part. The system of yoga is so called because it …
All our knowledge is based upon experience. What we call inferential knowledge, in which we go from the less general to the more general, or from the general to the particular, has experience as its basis. In what are called the exact sciences, people easily find the truth, because it appeals to the particular experience of every human being. The scientist does not tell you to believe in anythi…
Yoga might protect the brain against the decrease in the amount of gray matter that usually occurs as people grow older. A 2015 study funded by NCCIH compared 14 experienced yoga practitioners to 14 physically active control participants of similar ages. In the control group, the amount of gray matter was lower in older participants than younger ones. In the yoga practitioners, there was no re…