E-book Next Generation Supply Chains : A Roadmap for Research and Innovation
Megatrends are “large social, economic, political and technological changes [that]are slow to form, and once in place, they influence us for some time” (Kotler2002,p. 137). Trends, as an indication into a direction of change, are driven by megatrends.Forexample,agingpopulationisamegatrendandsomeofitstrendsarebuyinghabits,and workforce gaps. Megatrends are observed over decades (15+years) and affectalmost all world regions while trends are observed over 5–10 years on specific partsof the world (Pictet asset management2017).Megatrends (e.g. new digital technologies) have a heavy influence on supplychains and they could impact product, process and network configuration (e.g.Calatayud et al.2019; Birkel and Hartmann2019). For example, blockchain tech-nology (which is a trend) could lead to transparency, but it could disrupt the structureof supply chains as some intermediaries may have to be removed and the supply chainfinance (Wang et al.2019). Supply chain finance solutions can also be reshaped andboosted by the use of other technological trends e.g. artificial intelligence, internetof things, and big data analytics (Caniato et al.2019).Given the presence of these technologies, the role and relevance of supply chaingovernance mechanisms will be affected; e.g. digital transformation impacts onsupply chain collaboration and integration (Barbieri et al.2019). Companies have todevelop a thorough understanding of these changes to avoid unexpected and negativeeffects and concurrently create opportunities to ensure long term survival. Futurescenarios and hypotheses can be developed that will explore about how specificindustries might evolve (Gernandt2012).There are numerous studies (e.g. Gernandt2012; Seppälä2016) that have iden-tified several megatrends and trends such as electric vehicles, efficient multi-modalnetworks (e.g. Speranza et al.2018), knowledge based development to talent manage-ment (e.g. Bowersox et al.2000; Stank et al.2015; Sweeney2013), additive manu-facturing and information systems (Fawcett and Waller2014; Kemppainen andVepsäläinen2003). There is a lack of state of the art and comprehensive reviewof the list of megatrends and associated trends in the field of supply chain manage-ment and logistics. Apart from the studies mentioned above, consulting firms suchas EY, PWC and KPMG have explored megatrends by frequently mentioning demo-graphic shifts, geopolitical changes and environmental impacts as key megatrends.These studies lack comprehensive and coherent understanding of megatrends with political, economic or social megatrends being the center of attention (Malik andJanowska2018).Thus, the motivation of this study is to identify and verify systematically whichmegatrends are considered the most influential in this field by researchers and profes-sionals. The purpose of this chapter is to recognize and increase knowledge of themegatrends shaping the future of supply chains and provide a comprehensive list oftrends that addresses critical dimensions e.g. political, technological, environmental,and others. Through a systematic literature review, the following research questionsintend to be answered in this chapter:RQ1: “What are the megatrends shaping the future of the supply chains?”RQ2: “What are the trends that can be derived from these megatrends shapingthe future of supply chains?”From a managerial perspective, this analysis allows companies to build a long-term supply chain strategy that is proactive, rather than reactive, by having a thor-ough understanding of their current position, but also ensuring they have a planto respond in complex and dynamic environments and reduce perceived uncer-tainty. This research further provides theoretical contribution by filling the literaturereview gap as a comprehensive list of megatrends and trends that will be iden-tified. Researchers can focus on each of the megatrends and its implications anddevelop supply chain scenarios. Thus, the results of this chapter will be further usedin the next chapters as a basis for future scenarios generation. The remainder of thischapter is organized as follows: Sect.2outlines the research design; Sect.3presentsand discusses the findings of the literature review. Section4draws conclusions anddiscusses future research avenues.
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