This collection includes four of the seven books that Kafka published during — or just after — his lifetime. Even if Kafka’s three novels had remained unpublished, in keeping with his professed wish, his short fiction would have given him a secure place in the modernist canon. During his life they brought him, if not fame, at least the respect of many fellow-writers. Robert Musil invited …
Why else would Gregor have missed a train! The lad only ever thinks about the business. It nearly makes me cross the way he never goes out in the evenings; he's been in town for a week now but stayed home every evening. He sits with us in the kitchen and just reads the paper or studies train timetables. His idea of relaxation is working with his fretsaw. He's made a little frame, for instance, …
Ketika pada suatu pagi terbangun dari mimpi buruk, Gregor Samsa mendapati dirinya telah berubah menjadi seekor serangga raksasa yang menjijikkan di ranjangnya. Ia telentang dengan batok punggungnya yang keras, dan jika sedikit mengangkat kepala, ia bisa melihat perutnya yang cokelat berbulu dan berbuku-buku melengkung kaku di atas hamparan seprai yang tampak hendak melorot seluruhnya. Kakinya y…
Josef K. awakens one morning and, for reasons never revealed, is arrested and subjected to the rigours of the judicial process for an unspecified crime. Translated by David Wyllie.