There has been signifi cant progress in the reduction of poverty in the developing world over the past few decades. The prevalence of income poverty defi ned at US$1.25/day per capita declined from 43 to 22 % from 1990 to 2008 according to information presented in Ahmed et al. (Chap. 6 this volume). This progress is the result of various factors, including economic growth reac…
With the end of the Second World War the contours and the weighting of the continents and regions of the world map of art shifted massively. The division of Europe, the rise of the USA as a super power, the beginning of the Cold War and the world-wide triumph of Western capitalism did not fail to have an effect on the sphere of art. The rapid and lasting erosion of French hegemony in the a…
This collection includes four of the seven books that Kafka published during — or just after — his lifetime. Even if Kafka’s three novels had remained unpublished, in keeping with his professed wish, his short fiction would have given him a secure place in the modernist canon. During his life they brought him, if not fame, at least the respect of many fellow-writers. Robert Musil invited …
Toxicology and Safety of Essential Oils: A Constituent-Based Approach” (Chapter 7). On account of the complexity of these natural products, the toxicological or biochemical testing of an EO will always be the sum of its constituents which either act in a synergistic or in an antagonistic way with one another. Therefore, the chemical characterization of the EO is very important for the underst…
A huge variety of terrestrial and aquatic species are included in this class, with over 5000 species recorded worldwide. All mammals share a basic feature: the presence of mammary glands that produce milk to feed their offspring. In contrast to birds, fish and reptiles, mammals have hair or fur. This may sometimes be barely visible or only present in newborn animals. Mammals also have a region …
Why else would Gregor have missed a train! The lad only ever thinks about the business. It nearly makes me cross the way he never goes out in the evenings; he's been in town for a week now but stayed home every evening. He sits with us in the kitchen and just reads the paper or studies train timetables. His idea of relaxation is working with his fretsaw. He's made a little frame, for instance, …
Ketika pada suatu pagi terbangun dari mimpi buruk, Gregor Samsa mendapati dirinya telah berubah menjadi seekor serangga raksasa yang menjijikkan di ranjangnya. Ia telentang dengan batok punggungnya yang keras, dan jika sedikit mengangkat kepala, ia bisa melihat perutnya yang cokelat berbulu dan berbuku-buku melengkung kaku di atas hamparan seprai yang tampak hendak melorot seluruhnya. Kakinya y…
Siapakah manusia sesungguhnya? Dari mana ia berasal? Dan ke manakah gerangan ia menuju? Pertanyaan yang senantiasa mengusik manusia sepanjang sejarah peradaban itu dibahas secara amat menarik oleh Dr. Franz Dahler dalam buku ini. Dengan pelbagai ilustrasi Dahler memaparkan fakta-fakta dan teori-teori ilmiah, tetapi tidak hanya itu, ia juga membantu kita untuk menemukan makna kenyataan-kenyataa…
Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn (1809-1864) heeft het belangrijkste deel van zijn leven gewijd aan het natuuronderzoek op Java. Tijdens zijn zwerftochten over dit eiland maakte hij aantekeningen, foto's en schetsen, die hij later verwerkte in zijn standaardwerk over Java. Rob Nieuwenhuys en Frist Jaquet hebben een selectie gemaakt van zijn reisverhalen, tekeningen en foto's. De complete serie gekleur…
Josef K. awakens one morning and, for reasons never revealed, is arrested and subjected to the rigours of the judicial process for an unspecified crime. Translated by David Wyllie.