Naskah berjudul Babad Dermayu ini adalah salah satu koleksi pribadi dari Drh. R.H. Bambang Irianto, B.A. yang beralamat di Jl. Gerilyawan No. 04, Kelurahan Drajat, Kecamatan Kesambi, Kota Cirebon. Oleh pemiliknya, naskah ini diberi kode dengan nomor 36 yang merupakan urutan ke-36 dari sejumlah koleksi naskah yang dimilikinya. Di dalam teksnya, kami tidak menemukan nama penulis maupun penyalin d…
In a seaside village, its dwellers who mainly worked as fishermen had prosperous life. The sea provided them unlimited supply of fish. It was more than adequate for their own consumption, so they also sold it to other villages. The village was then known as fish producer. In addition to beautiful ocean, there was also a mountain called Mount Eriwakan in the village. The mountain possessed imme…