Wheat and Flour Testing Methods: A Guide to Understanding Wheat and Flour Quality Version 2 provides an introduction to the analysis of wheat and flour in a clear and concise format. Basic information is presented on standardized testing procedures for wheat and flour quality characteristics as well as dough properties. Results from these tests are explained and applied to processing performa…
Wildlife Management is “Game management is the art of making land produce sustained annual crops of wild game for recreational use.” Leopold 1933 " the management of wildlife populations in the context of the ecosystem.” Sinclair et al. 2006 “the application of ecological knowledge to populations of vertebrate animals and their plant and animal associates in a manner that strikes a bala…
Indonesia recently passed Law No 8 /2016. This law follows the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities in 2011 and commits the Indonesian government to the eradication of discrimination against people with disabilities and to actively work to support and provide services to this segment of the population. It also espouses the principle that public programs be…
Welcome to the British Blind Sport ‘Guide to Visually Impaired Friendly Sport’ produced in partnership with Scottish Disability Sport and Guide Dogs UK. At British Blind Sport we believe that every person with a visual impairment (VI) has the right to participate in sport and physical activity. We understand that there are many hurdles and barriers to overcome in order for each and every VI…
The ACF developed the following Code of Ethics to provide guidance to professional cooks and chefs in their professional practice and conduct. The actions, behaviors and attitudes of our members are consistent with the ACF commitment to hospitality, foodservice and public service. This Code of Ethics sets forth the fundamental principles and is considered essential to this purpose. Every indiv…
Many valuable books have been written by Eastern and Western scholars, Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike, to present the life and teachings of the Buddha to those who are interested in Buddhism. Among them one of the most popular works is still The Light of Asia by Sir Edwin Arnold. Many Western truth-seekers were attracted to Buddhism by this world-famous poem. Congratulations of Eastern and …
Proper initial care of patients with major burns is key to their clinical outcomes. The early identification and control of airway and breathing problems help prevent early deaths. Initiating proper fluid resuscitation avoids major complications. Recognizing and treating associated injuries are also essential. Finally, prompt consultation with burn center staff in patients who meet referral cri…
Many people, young and old, are discovering the satisfaction and pleasure that horses can bring them. The 4-H Horse Project can be an exciting and worthwhile experience for both you and your horse. To be a 4-H Horse Club member, you must first enroll in 4-H in your county. A 4-H Horse Project animal may be a horse, pony, mule, or donkey, which you may ride, drive, or train. Stallions over 12 mo…
Once you have decided to study in Korea, it is important to collect practical information to begin for preparations. Many international offices of Korean universities and study-abroad organizations provide lots of information on their websites where you can search and acquire such information. The most recent information in Korea, its education system, universities & colleges and education fair…
Among companion animals, dogs are unmatched in their devotion, loyalty and friendship to humankind. Anyone who has ever loved a dog can attest to its hundred-fold return. The excitement your dog shows when you come home, the wagging tail at the sound of the leash being taken from its hook, the delight in the tossing of a tennis ball, and the head nestled in your lap-those are only some of the r…