Continuity and Discontinuity in Learning Careers: Potentials for a Learning Space in a Changing World focuses on the continuities and discontinuities of the learning careers and identities of non-traditional adult students in diverse learning contexts. Readership: All those interested in adult education and the challenges facing adult education today such as researchers in education and social …
Herbs in antiquity touch on so many aspects of human activity that the advice of classicists, botanists, horticulturalists, linguists, medical historians, physicians, and sociologists has been essential. The first Getty Museum publication on the subject was The Herb in Antiquity written in 1976 by Deborah Ashin in response to the interest of visitors. My great appreciation and gratitude go to J…
These are disturbing times. Scholars in medieval and premod-ern studies are tired of explaining why, yet this labor continues to be performed by those who often have the least personal and professional security.1 A case in point here is Mary Rambaran-Olm, who consistently advocated, and with considerable risk for her own scholarly career and personal well-being, for the re-tire…
Insects and closely related arthropods are the dominant and most diverse forms of terrestrial and aquatic (non-marine) animal life on the planet. Other than marine systems, insects occupy every conceivable environment and habitat on the Earth. Crustaceans and Annelids (worms) are the dominant and most diverse groups of animals in marine systems. T…
This introduction explores friendliness by moving through seven main topics. The first two topics (recollection of the body and working with the hin-drances) provide the foundations and could in themselves be considered as an autonomous and complete practice. In fact, anything else will just be a deepening of what is already entailed by them. They should be fairly acces-sible, although they wil…
Demographic transformation resulting from low fertility and high life expectancyin developedand developing countries has led to an increase in the numbers of elderly people living in those countries. Moreover,low birthrates,changing fam-ilystructures,and economic and political crises causing migration and flight arehavinga significant impact on intergenerational relationships,social welfare sys…
Think tanks and research centres worldwide are devoting in-creasing attention to the growing role of global cities. Why do global cities matter? And why should a think tank dealing with international affairs such as ISPI look at the evolving role of global cities? The obvious answer is: because cities do matter. Urban settings cover barely 2% of the Earth’s surfac…
In 2018, CO2 emissions from fossil-based energy sources have reached another historical record, of about 37.1 tonnes of CO2 a year, with an even worse prognosis for 2019. After a small stabi-lizing period between 2015 and 2016, CO2 in the air has just been increasing approximately 1% each year despite that the share of renewable energies has been increasing worldwide. These figures outline the …
Aku ingin mendaki puncak tantangan, menerjang batu granit kesulitan, menggoda mara bahaya, dan memecahkan misteri dengan sains. Aku ingin menghirup berupa-rupa pengalaman lalu terjun bebas menyelami labirin lika-liku hidup yang ujungnya tak dapat disangka. Aku mendamba kehidupan dengan kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang bereaksi satu sama lain seperti benturan molekul uranium: meletup tak terduga-dug…
Ada tugas berat di pundak Ikal. Dia harus membantu Maryamah memenangkan pertandingan catur saat 17 Agustus nanti. Maryamah, yang menyentuh bidak catur saja belum pernah, harus mengalahkan juara catur selama dua tahun berturut-turut yang sekaligus juga mantan suaminya. Namun, lebih dari itu, jenis kelamin Maryamah menjadi tantangan berat untuk bisa mencebur ke dalam pertandingan penuh harkat bag…