Buku '100 Nama Marga China' adalah buku bacaan dasar yang dibuat oleh orang terpelajar di masa Song Utara di kota Qiantang (Hangzhou). Buku ini disusun dengan 4 kata Nama Marga sebagai satu kalimat seperti puisi yang sersuku kata 4. Walaupun tidak ada aturan tulisannya, tetapi mudah diingat, sehingga tersebar dan sangat besar pengaruhnya sampai saat ini.
Preparing a handbook on diplomacy nowadays reflects a major challenge that was not present during Satow’s times, and which lets us say a great deal more about diplomacy than Satow could. Specifically, a handbook today encounters and benefits from the development over the last 100 years of the academic discipline of International Relations and within it the rich and expanding field of Diplomat…
Think tanks and research centres worldwide are devoting in-creasing attention to the growing role of global cities. Why do global cities matter? And why should a think tank dealing with international affairs such as ISPI look at the evolving role of global cities? The obvious answer is: because cities do matter. Urban settings cover barely 2% of the Earth’s surfac…