The idea that we learn by interacting with our environment is probably the first to occur to us when we think about the nature of learning. When an infant plays, waves its arms, or looks about, it has no explicit teacher, but it does have a direct sensorimotor connection to its environment. Exercising this connection produces a wealth of information about cause and effect, about the consequence…
Bheki Mseleku is an exceptional artist. e intention of this study is to focus on the exquisite detail of his art through the analysis of his compositions and improvisatory style. e author presumes the reader has a knowledge of the musical style of jazz as well as an interest in and an understanding of its theoretical practice.1As an author, one is always subject to c…
This book is a manifesto promoting language diversity as a human advantage and human right. As such, it is addressed to policymakers, especially in the field of education, but also more broadly with respect to multilingualism in our societies. Diversity of languages needs to be supported as a rich source of creativity in the arts, and recognized for its vital importance …
At their first public demonstration in Paris in 1839, photographs seemed nothing short of miraculous in their ability to record a mirror image of actuality. From the moment its inventors promoted the camera's usefulness for documenting Egyptian hieroglyphs, photography has played a decisive role in the interpretation of antiquity. Early photographers focused their lenses on marble-pillared temp…
here is no want of cookery books in the principal languages of Europe, and least of all in the English language, in which, even in our own generation, several hundreds have been compiled and published. This volume, however, is not a cookery book, nor what the French call a dispensaire. It is a household book on the subject of Dinners, Desserts, Wines, Liqueurs, and on foods in general; and is t…
Pilihan atas sistem pemilu adalah salah satu keputusan kelembagaan paling penting bagi demokrasi di mana pun. Dalam hampir semua kasus pilihan atas sistem pemilu tertentu memiliki pengaruh mendalam bagi masa depan kehidupan politik di negara bersangkutan, dan sistem politik, begitu sudah dipilih, sering kali tetap sangat konstan seiring berbagai kepentingan politik mengukuhkan diri di seputar d…
Shanghai’s January Revolution was a highly visible and, by all accounts, crucially important event in China’s Cultural Revolution. Its occurrence, along with the subsequent attempt to establish a “commune” form of municipal government, has greatly shaped our understanding both of the goals originally envisaged for the Cultural Revolution by its leaders and of the political positions hel…
Our intention has been to translate the poems into plain and unadorned prose, staying as close to the original as modern English idiom will allow, in order to reveal what may loosely be termed the ‘literal’ sense of the text. Readers approaching these poems from an acquaintance with Chaucer’s works will already be aware that one of the chief difficulties of Middle English for the modern r…
The Reverend Miao Xing, the second name Wen Hao, nick-name “Golden Arhat”, was born in the town of Dengfeng, Henan province. In his childhood he indulged in WU SHU, writing and calligraphy, he especially liked the Buddhistic Teaching. When he was twenty years old, his level of mastership became quite high, but he continued to perfect himself. He started to travel regions close to the valley…
Dalam riwayatnya yang panjang, Paris kerap ditandai sebagai penjara, surga, dan bahkan neraka; juga wanita cantik, penyihir, dan setan. Kota ini membangkitkan emosi yang kuat, dan menangkap imajinasi setiap orang: inilah kota yang jadi latar bagi banyak karya - fiksi, fotografi, musik, dan film - serta rumah bagi beragam puisi cinta dan romansa. Begitu dinamis, kota ini sarat dengan benturan id…