At the turn of the 2020s, identity seems to remain an omnipresent and somewhatunseizable term, serving different views in and outside academia, in politics,in everyday talk, in intellectual and popular jargon, as well as in the arts. While,currently, identitarian ideologies and essentialist notions of identity that tend tosimplify and reduce life experience to simple factors globally …
This chapter briefly describes the goal and general argument of the book, along with its theoretical framework and data collection, and introduces the Swedish case. First, we set the discussion of labour movements’ trade union revitalization and usage of social media—and particularly of YouTube—into the broader context of scholarly liter-at…
In the beginning, when the world was just fifty centim-eters long, there was Jeanne’s inquiring face. A five-year-old face, flush up against the months-old fragment I then was, my opaque little mole eyes fumbling across this earliest of landscapes, my sister’s face watching me. She smiles, I smile. I smile, she smiles. She gives me a quick slap, I cry, she smiles, I smi…
Doctoral education has become a key element of the higher education landscape everywhere. With the spread of higher education massification and the rise of the global knowledge economy that began in the late twentieth century and continues today, doctoral education has expanded tremendously. There have been significant changes in doctoral education worldwide in the twent…
In recent years, the emergent field of critical infrastructure studies has turned to interdisciplinary analysis of infrastruc-tures as complex worldmaking systems: They produce shared space and time, connect cultures and subjectivities, negotiate power relations, inequalities, or the mediation and circulation of material agency.1 Infrastructures often appear as networks of media technologies th…
Marine mammals are found in several lineages among the more than 6000 species of mam-mals (all belonging to the class Mammalia). Not all marine mammals are closely related. Together they form a habitat-based group of animals associated with water. Mammals evolved on land some 250 million years ago. At least seven separate clades of mammals have…
What was causing this upheaval of the elements? Many Europeans thought aboutthis question. These wonders were documented in newspaper reports, weather diaries,publications of learned societies, scholarly monographs, and private communications ofthe period. The fact that these phenomena were widely discussed and reflected upon isindicative of the great interest contemporaries had in them.3Emotio…
This book is a manifesto promoting language diversity as a human advantage and human right. As such, it is addressed to policymakers, especially in the field of education, but also more broadly with respect to multilingualism in our societies. Diversity of languages needs to be supported as a rich source of creativity in the arts, and recognized for its vital importance …
In the process reflecting citizen science and its practices, many questions arise.How old is citizen science? What is the difference, if any, between citizen science,participatory science, post-normal science, civic science, and crowd science? Iscitizen science just a new political term in order to obtain funding? Some criticsview citizen science as a renewed neoliberal approach to exploit citi…