I introduce this volume with distinct pleasure, since it marks the final step in a journey that started seven years ago, at the ICLA 2013 at the Sorbonne. The deci-sion to host the ICLA 2016 at the University of Vienna meant that, from 2013 to 2016, I had to face the biggest organizational challenge of my career, since I had the honour to support Achim Hölter, the chair …
e migration of the Normans across Europe is a well-known and much written about subject. Originating in the principality of Normandy that took its name from the ‘men of the north’ who came from Scandinavia to settle on the French coast from the ninth century onwards, the Normans then established themselves during the eleventh century in two main areas some , mil…
Research in the fields of conversation analysis, ethnomethodology, and inter-actional linguistics is perhaps closest to the approach taken here, for a few rea-sons. One is that the empirical source of data is recordings of informal interaction.Another is that the units of analysis are not clauses or sentences but moves in con-versational sequences (Wootton 1981;1997;Lindström 2005;Vinkhuyzen &…
We wanted to have this experience to assess whether our hypotheses were well founded. Hassan, an old camel driver of few words but who knew all the “secrets” of a desert journey, served as our guide.From the expedition diary: 12 February 1990: “Since a few hours, we have been travelling on our teetering rides across an immense stony plain towards Jebel Maqran, a tiny outcrop tha…
Beside Inventory, the title of the book refers to Analytics. Thisis nowadays a concept that has been inflated with a plethora ofmeanings, so that it becomes difficult to understand exactly whateach of us means when we refer to it. The Cambridge Dictionary11Cambridge Dictionary,https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/analytics?q=Analyticsdefines Analytics as “a process in which a c…
This e-book contains about Mars's facts and geology.