In June 1947, a group of nuclear scientists from the former Manhattan Projectlaunched theBulletin of the Atomic Scientists, a magazine that monitors newdevelopments in the life sciences and technology that could inflict irrevocableharm to humanity. That first issue had a simple image on its cover, a clock with itshands set at 7 min to midnight, that was the Bulletin’s visual metaphor to warn …
During the first half of the nineteenth century, some fundamental insights into pollen morphology and physiology were achieved. Purkinje made the first attempt for a palynological terminology by classifying pollen based on their morphology (Purkinje 1830). Wodehouse (1935) pointed out that “Purkinje’s system of nomenclature deserved much more attention than was ever given …
This volume takes us back to the roots of Christianity and exemplifies the significance of Syriac Theology for our time. Bringing together articles by scholars from diverse disciplines, this volume aims at a deeper understanding of the legacy, importance, and challenges of Syriac Theology. The articles in the first part of the volume focus on the biblical, exegetical, and christological traditi…
Today the demand for a sustainable clothing care system is higher than ever due to the continuous environmental impact caused by this system. When it comes to the environment (The State of Fashion 2020, 2020), the fashion industry record is well documented. Fashion accounts for 20 to 35 percent of microplastic flows into the ocean and outweighs the …
Traditionally associated with craftmanship and manual work, knitwear could seem a quite unusual subject of investigation for scientific research in design, as it also pays the price to be part of the fashion practices, which are still often treated with an artistic approach. The work presented here had the aim to demonstrate the validity of the topic as an area of inquiry among the industrial …