This volume is a result of the New Insights into the Archaic of the Circum-Caribbeansession that we chaired at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Orlando, Florida, in April 2016. The session was organized in the context of the Island Networks project supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO-gr. nr. …
This volume of preprints, prepared for an international symposium on Historical Painting Techniques, Materials, and Studio Practice at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands, 26-29 June 1995, contains the results of work on historical painting techniques from all parts of the world. The suggestion to organize such a meeting was raised during the symposium on the Technology of Art Works from …
"After a first foresight study on ‘World food security in 2050’ (Agrimonde), CIRAD and INRA have turned their attention to a new foresight exercise on ‘Land use and food security in 2050’ (Agrimonde-Terra). This new study seeks to highlight levers that could modify ongoing land-use patterns for improved food and nutrition security. Agrimonde-Terra proposes a trend analysis on the global…
Buku teks ini merupakan kompetensi dasar yang harus dikuasai sebelum mempelajar budidaya lima komoditi perkebunan yaitu, kelapa sawit, kopi, kakao, karet dan tebu, serta mata pelajaran lain di bidang perkebunan. Adapun manfaat dan penguasaan kompetensi ini di bidang perkebunan adalah mampu merencanakan dan melakukan persiapan lahan dengan metode survey dengan menggunakan mekanisasi pertanian, G…