What is happening to perceptions of time, durability and reality in the 21th century? This anthology explores a diversity of uncommon insights about time, as seen from our historical and geographical standpoint. It sheds new light on how construction, perception and regulation of time influences a person’s whole being in the world, collectively and individually, in the short and long run, fro…
Tecla menggantikan kakaknya, Tatiana, untuk menjadi asisten pribadi Phillip, calon suami sang kakak. Dengan tekad ingin membuktikan bahwa Phillip tidak pantas untuk kakaknya, Tecla berangkat ke Jakarta, menemui Phillip. Kecurigaan Tecla makin menjadi saat ia mendapati Phillip mendesak Tatiana untuk segera menikah. Tecla yakin, Phillip punya maksud terselubung dalam menikahi Tatiana. Namun, Phi…
In the past few years, there has been a significant increase in the use and development of KGs and their various applications. These KGs are designed to store world knowledge, represented as triples (i.e., .) consisting of entities, relations, and other entities, with each entity referring to a distinct real-world object, and each relation repre…
Immersive technologies are opening gateways to virtual realities that might change journalism forever. In the virtual world, journalism balances on the edge between imaginary approaches to fact- based creation and extended options for fakes. The journalistic maneuverings between reality and virtual reality are particularly intri-guing to work with because they put the truth- seeking…
Nico, dokter muda dari keluarga dokter terkenal yang dijodohkan dengan Beatrice, mengatakan rencananya yang hanya akan menikahi Beatrice selama setahun. Nico yakin bahwa tunangannya, yang pergi dua bulan menjelang pernikahan mereka, akan kembali. Jadi, ia hanya memerlukan wanita yang mau menjadi istri pengganti untuk membuat keluarganya tidak malu dan menekannya terus-menerus untuk melupakan tu…
Violence and abuse against children are serious threats to children’s well-being, and the need for societies to take action is increasingly recognised, in both the Nordic region and internationally. Children exposed to violence and abuse are vulnerable and often in need of multiple services, creating the risk of potential “secondary victimi…
Ketika era reformasi dan komunikasi menguasai kehidupan kita,kini orang bertanya: apakah hakikat komunikasi massa? apa manfaat yang kita peroleh dari komunikasi massa?bagaimana komunikasi massa efektif menguasai kehidupan kita?