ollowing the reign of nation states, there is every reason to believe that the twenty-first century will be a new era for cities.First because, from a structural standpoint, currently over half of the world popu-lation is urban (compared to 30% in 1950), and it will increase to two-thirds by 2050 according to the United Nations (2014). Medium-sized cities have consider-able weigh…
L’agroécologie est avant tout un nouveau paradigme qui vise à valoriser les processus biologiques pour couvrir à la fois des attentes de production agricole et d’autres ser-vices écosystémiques des agrosystèmes: protéger les ressources, contribuer à atténuer le changement climatique, préserver les habitats et les patrimoines culturels. Un corol-laire est de considérer l’agroéc…
This book materialized at a quite precise moment, albeit the periodization and determinations of this moment remain fairly difficult to specify. It lies in the midst of a period when ‘cinema’ is being transformed, with the gradual abandonment of its original system of analogue image and sound recording on a photo-chemical base in favour of their digital coding and storage. This evolution ha…