A small dolphin on the ankle, a black line on the lower back, a flower on the hip, or a child’s name on the shoulder blade—among the women who make up the twenty percent of all adults in the USA who have tattoos, these are by far the most popular choices. Tattoos like these are cute, small, and can be easily hidden, and they fit right in with society’s preconceived notions about what is â…
This manual presents some of the small-craft night baiting and fishing techniques commonly used in the Pacific Islands region, and provides Pacific Island fishermen with information that may help develop their small-craft commercial fishing operations. Some of the techniques are improvements in canoe fishing methods and use basic gear, while other techniques include modern fishing equipment use…
The Runaway Species is a deep dive into the creative mind, a celebration of the human spirit, and a vision of how we can improve our future by understanding and embracing our ability to innovate. David Eagleman and Anthony Brandt seek to answer the question: what lies at the heart of humanity’s ability—and drive—to create? Our ability to remake our world is unique among all living thin…
In April 1933, at a small gathering at a meeting of the US National Committee of the International Scientific Radio Union (URSI), Bell Labs scientist Karl Guthe Jansky announced that he had detected 20.5 MHz (14.6 m) radio emis-sion from the Milky Way. Jansky used a novel directional antenna based on an invention by AT&T Bell Labs colleague, Edmond Bruce, that rotated every…
Understanding the underlying concepts of human genetics and the role of genes, behavior, and the environment will be important to appropriately collecting and applying genetic information and technologies during clinical care. This chapter provides some fundamental information about basic genetic concepts including cell structure, the molecular and biochemical basis of disease, major types of g…