The New York Times bestseller Hit Refresh is about individual change, about the transformation happening inside of Microsoft and the technology that will soon impact all of our lives—the arrival of the most exciting and disruptive wave of technology humankind has experienced: artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and quantum computing. It’s about how people, organizations, and societies c…
Life on earth will come to an end. It's just a matter of when. In this Very Short Introduction, Bill McGuire explores the many potential catastrophes facing our planet and our species in the future, and looks at both the probability of these events happening and our chances of survival. From the likely consequences of global warming to the inevitable destruction of the earth in the far futur…
Organizing this book into chapters that read like magazine profiles makes it more digestible for readers and allows them to read the chapters in whichever order they prefer. Goldberg’s book was structured that way, as was series editor Martin Williams’s similarly readable Jazz Masters of New Orleans (1967). More challenging was deciding which artists to include. I made a…
Effective volcanic crisis communication is afundamental component of the concepts of miti-gation, disaster management, and disaster riskreduction. As part of this communication pro-cess, a number of tools have emerged that areregularly employed in volcanic crises that assistin the structure and formulation of communica-tive processes. This chapter focuses on four vitallessons learnt from key cr…
The academic landscape is broad and fickle; academic fields, disciplines, and teach-ing perspectives always shift and change. In these academic places, identities, and communities overlap and work together. This book holds space for identities that are often undervoiced in academia. The perspectives of the contributors serve as models for how artists work within communit…
Sungguh suatu sukacita bagi saya untuk merekomendasikan buku terbaru teman saya Bill Johnson. Buku ini, Tuhan itu Baij, membukakan pernyataan yang tepat waktu tentang sifat dan karakter Bapa kita yang tidak berubah, yang tidak berubah, yang melimpah dalam kebaikan. Berjalan dekat dengan Allah dan bergerak dalm kuasa-Nya dan melepaskan kebaikan-Nya melibatkan lebih dari sekadar memiliki suatu si…