"The series “Russia and the Asia-Pacific” explores political, economic, social, cultural and environmental interactions of the Russian Far East within its Asian-Pacific context as well as with the Russian capital in the past and present. Its first volume addresses from a multidisciplinary perspective notably the following questions: How were and are directives from a centre thousands of kil…
Synthetic biology raises the possibility that pathogenic bioweapons could be designed, developed, and deployed in new ways that diverge from the disease-causing characteristics of naturally occurring pathogens (NAS 2018). Traditionally, only known pathogens found naturally in the environment, such as B. anthracis and Y. pestis, were developed as biological weapons because o…
The idea for this collection was born out of a chance encounter over coffee in a U.S. Starbucks. Over a wide-ranging conversation, we discussed the state of working-class literature as a field, the de-cline of Marxism in academia, our favorite working-class authors, and the lack of good coffe shops on U.S. campuses. We both gen-erally laid out the various trajectories of scholarly rec…
Alexander von Humboldt starts his “Critical Inquiries” in 1852 withthe observation that the miscalculation of one authority has triggeredmany forms of human action in exploring the planet. It is for him theact of travelling that generates knowledge and ultimately drives forwardhuman intellectual progress, even if the travellers themselves might bemisguided. Human triggers and reasons for tr…
This year marks 50 years since the least developed countries (LDCs) category was established by a United Nations General Assembly resolution, following research, analysis and advocacy work by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). This pivotal landmark comes as intergovernmental negotiations are taking shape for a new programme of action for the LDCs for the decade 202…
This book is about systems. It focuses on the engineering of systems, and upon systems analysis. In the first case, the concern is with improving systems already in existence. Topics presented in this book have been developed and organized into six parts. This book is intended for use in the classroom at either the undergraduate or graduate level or by the practicing professional in industry, b…